Family Guy, Vol. 1 (Seasons 1 & 2) Best Review
There are two reviews here: One for the old Boxed Set. One for the new Slim Set.
This box set comes with the first two seasons of Family Guy. The front cover shows the Griffin Family together having a fun time. The back cover shows and alternate Stewie photo and a description of the Volume One boxed set with bonus material and such. Inside there three thin plasitc cases for the discs. The front of each case has the main cover photo of the griffins on a different colored background. The backside of the cases have Episode Descriptions and what features are on the disc. Each disc has different artowork with different characters on them.
SLIM SET (you get this if ordered from Amazon now):
This slim set comes with the first two seasons of Family Guy, just like the original. The front and back cover's artwork is unchanged. However, the inside is much different. The inside has no episode descriptions. Just the disc number and episode title. There is little to no artwork inside. The discs artwork is the exact same, though.
If you would prefer to get the boxed set with artwork and such go for it. But order it from another site. Amazon only ships the slim sets now. If you don't mind. Go for the slim set. The outer appearence is still nice overall.
Thanks for reading.
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Family Guy, Vol. 1 (Seasons 1 & 2) Overview
Meet the Griffins: Peter, the big, lovable oaf who always says what’s on his mind. Lois, the doting mother who can’t figure out why her baby son keeps trying to kill her. Their daughter Meg, the teen drama queen who’s constantly embarrassed by her family. Chris, the beefy 13-year-old who wouldn’t hurt a fly, unless it landed on his hot dog. Stewie, the maniacal one-year-old bent on world domination. And Brian, the sarcastic dog with a wit as dry as the martinis he drinks. The animated adventures of his outrageous family will have your whole family laughing out loud.
Family Guy, Vol. 1 (Seasons 1 & 2) Specifications
To the ranks of shows too brilliant and outrageous for prime time (The Ben Stiller Show, Andy Richter Controls the Universe), add Seth McFarlane's Family Guy. This animated series, which debuted after the 1999 Super Bowl, simply sparked too much controversy and offended too many sensibilities to survive (Entertainment Weekly dubbed it "the Awful Show They Just Keep Putting on the Air"). That the Fox network also played hackysack with its schedule, ensuring viewers would not be able to find it, sealed its fate (it was cancelled in 2002). This boxed set containing all 28 episodes from the first two seasons is payback for the show's devoted cult following, who may be moved to echo the words of infant Stewie Griffin, the megalomaniacal 1-year-old bent on matricide and world domination: "Victory is mine!"
The dysfunctional Griffins of Quahog, Rhode Island, invite comparisons to The Simpsons. The testicular-chinned father, Peter Griffin, is a clueless oaf in the Homer mold. "Peter, what did you promise me last night?" asks his long-suffering wife Lois in one episode. "That I wouldn't drink at the stag party," he replies. "And what did you do?" she asks. "Drank at the stag part--oh ho ho, I almost walked into that one," he cackles. Other family members include teenage daughter Meg, a desperate high school social pariah; 13-year-old son Chris, a chip off his father's blockhead; and Brian, the family's sarcastic talking dog. But this series' true inspiration is football-pated Stewie (voiced by McFarlane, who earned an Emmy), who was born to be a Bond villain once he escaped his mother's "ovarian bastille." Family Guy recklessly ventured where The Simpsons feared to tread. In one episode, Meg's one and only friend turns out to be the member of a suicidal cult. In another, Death (voiced by Norm McDonald) becomes an unwanted houseguest. Each episode plays fast and furious with surreal flashes (in one episode, Peter turns his house into a puppet) and pop-culture references and TV, movie, and commercial parodies that invite repeated viewings. Freed from its own family-hour bastille and the whims of dim network executives, Family Guy can be appreciated at last on its own profane, sacrilegious, and irreverent terms. Welcome to the DVD family, Griffins. --Donald Liebenson
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Customer Reviews
Seth McFarlane? More like Puke McRipofferton - Tough Guy -
Hey Stewie, Jimmy Corrigan (smartest kid on Earth)called, he wants his face back. I started watching Family Guy several years ago until I realized how much random pop culture references that in no way had relevance to the plot were unfunny. Here's a setup scene
Brian: "Hey Peter, it's hot outside"
Peter: "Hot like the time I played darts with Ghost Rider and Don King was there?"
Plus my DVD player broke when I vomited all over it after 12 minutes of this tripe.
Family Guy Vol.1 & 2 - Wiggy -
Good video. Have only been watching Family Guy for a short while.
Good to see the beginning of when the show started.
Where it all begins... - jlawler - Maine
Some of the funniest animation ever put on television. Althought the series is pretty lack-luster now, the first two season were ground breaking, smart, and constant laughs.
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