This game was one of my first true loves of the newest generations. The story and characters jumped from the screen with such life and reality. Although some of the plot points with treasures are more sci-fi these characters are always grounded in reality. The graphics in this game are amazing to this day; I can't wait to see how Uncharted 2 looks. The game play is some of the best 3rd person shooter action I've ever played. Jumping from cliff to cliff is amazing. Then jump behind cover to shoot some bad guys. This is an Indiana Jones genre game, but does better than any Indy game I've ever played. I've beat this game three times, and it never got dull. Simply one of the best games of all time. Every adventure has a beginning and this franchise gets started with a blast.
Presentation- This game has an overall great feel to it. The cut scenes draw you in and you really connect to Drake and his plights. The menus are great the music is extraordinary, and the feel of the game has the tone of a million dollar movie.
Graphics- This is top notch even in today's standards being three years old. Some of the best cut scenes only beaten by Metal Gear Solid 4.
Game play- This game has some great 3rd person cover systems along with beautiful cliff jumping. There are some problems with the strength of the enemies though. They tend to take too many hits. Also I would like to hold more than two weapons. I wish it had a ring system like Resistance. The boat scenes are a little annoying, but it is a nice variety. The lack of a health bar is nice; it takes into account hits in a row like Resistance 2 or Call of Duty.
Story- The story is engrossing and one of the best adventure stories ever told. The characters come alive and show a reality that few games can reproduce.
Lasting Appeal- I've beaten this game three times and I still love it. The characters, treasures, and action are amazing. I treasure this game.
Rating 4.7/5
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