Product Descriptionlike new
Editorial ReviewLong recognized as role-playing games par excellence, the
Final Fantasy series gets a technological makeover in this installment (and series debut on the PlayStation). Shedding the two-dimensional graphics and limited sound capabilities of its predecessors,
Final Fantasy VII features lush 3-D graphics, beautifully animated "movie" sequences, and soundtrack-quality music. Coupled with the game's intricate storyline, endearing characters, and immense yet highly imaginative world, these new advancements make for a quite an engrossing experience.
The story of Final Fantasy VII centers around a solider named Cloud Strife, who joins forces with Avalanche, a group of resistance fighters, to take down an evil mega-corporation known as Shinra. (The fate of the world hangs in the balance, of course.) Truly epic in scope, this four-disc game requires a considerable amount of time to complete---this reviewer gladly gave up over 80 hours of his life to finish it. But it's definitely a rewarding adventure that every PlayStation owner should consider undertaking, especially since it's now one of the low-priced "Greatest Hits" titles. --Joe Hon
- Intricate and absorbing storyline with endearing characters
- Immense and highly imaginative game world
- Special battle system
- Beautifully animated movie sequences
- Your friends and family may feel neglected
Customer Reviews
Oh what a horrible future would come from this... (2009-03-15)
It seems like ever time someone tries to point out the flaw of gaming history that is Final Fantasy VII, EVERYONE jumps on top of them and pummles them with corrections, anger and most importantly, hate. It's like this game is some untouchable relic of gaming culture. Honestly, its not. Infact, Final Fantasy VII may be one of the most overrated games of all time.
But i'm getting off topic here. Final Fantasy VII is a good game. Actually, it's a VERY good game. The gameplay is very solid turn based RPG action with some great additions. A lot of the characters are great like Tifa, Cid, etc. Hell, I hate Cloud Strife with a passion, but he really didn't get emo like until Advent Children. Plus, if you are a true fan and know the entire story (i'm not a fan, but I know all there is to know about it), you probably can feel for Cloud.
Even though the gameplay is solid, it's pretty standard and isn't too challenging. Also, the Limit Break ability that you can take advantage of isn't as balanced as you would think. Some characters become overpowered and others don't.
The story is pretty stock and the writings is horrible.
My biggest problem with FFVII isn't the game itself, it's the community it created. FFVII was probably the first game to over hype the fans to the point where they would become OBSESSED with everything about the game. You might know these people as FANBOYS! You can't speak one word about this game without being corrected by a fanboy, who seems to come out of no where (like they have some signal that warns them to potential FFVII hate).
Final Verdict: Final Fantasy VII is a pretty easy RPG and if it will be your first game of the genre, then it's a good game to pick up because it doesn't overcomplicate things like other RPGs do by adding TONS of options to deal with. If you've played other RPGs before, don't give this game a second look. The game is very good at what it does, but is hindered by the stupid story and horrible writing.
Recommendation: Buy Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VII is simply my all time favorite game... (2009-03-08)
I am thrilled to have this game in my collection again.
In its day it was a pioneer in its class. It brought FRP gaming into the mainstream.
And, while it has its detractors, you can still find thousands of loyal afficianados who would pay good money for a remake for the PS3.
I've played both the original PS version, on my old PS, and PS2; and the PC version by Eidos. I have a lot of fond memories associated with this game.
Game Review (2009-03-07)
The game itself is a great fun game. Unfortunately the disks keep freezing up. Paying 75 dollars for a ps1 game that only partly works sucks. Buyer Beware
Amazing Final Fantasy VII (2009-02-21)
of course everyone is familiar with the FF series, personally i love them all and it all started with FF VII which was the first Final Fantasy i played...need my opinion? it's AWESOME!!
Talk about overrated. (2009-02-12)
Since this was the first pure Rpg I had ever played, there were alot of things I found really neat about Final Fantasy 7. I liked most of the secondary characters and found their plot development well executed.
That being said, this game has one of the worst protagonists ever. Cloud. The reason he doesn't take the top honor of this? Because there are far worse protagonists, one of them being Squall. I guess emo kid Protagonists just don't do it for me.
It also relies very heavily on plot, that came before it (in that it shamelessly rips off 6 and previous Final Fantasies to the point of hilarity) in order to stand on it's own merits. Most Final Fantasy 7 rabid fans, probably couldn't actually play this game, due to the fact it's frankly no longer pretty enough for them. These are the same people that will try, in vain no less to convince you that X is a great Rpg. (and boy is that one TERRIBLE at the end.. don't get me started on the sphere grid, love story... anyway back to 7)
If Final Fantasy 1-6 had never existed and 7 was original I'd have a much higher opinion of this game, but between the rip off nature and Cloud it really kind of drags the game down for me. I never quite got the hype, yes there are a few characters that still stand out as pretty neat, Vincent and Cait Sith, Red XIII, Aeris, Tifa and Cid. But almost everything else is miserable. Even the Iconic of Bad Guy Sepiroth Yeah I've seen better since him. Far better.
I wouldn't recommend this game really, there are much better things you can do with your money, such as Xenogears, Final Fantasy 1,2,4, and 6. Final Fantasy Tactics, IX, or even XII.